Wednesday 6 January 2016

Lose Your Weight With Kitchen Ingredients And Herbal Supplements

Best herbal supplements for weight loss – that’s what we health conscious obese people look out for. Overweight doesn’t implies that one can’t be cautious about what he/she consumes (in terms of food). Healthy diet and proper exercise routine is what you need to work on your weight and also, one can consult a dietary expert to add herbal supplements which will augment the daily diet chart. Meanwhile, our diet experts have advised few natural add-on’s coming straight from kitchen (to add on a little encouragement, we’ve handpicked some recipes too)- 

Add Cinnamon to your tea  
Well we already know that cinnamon is good for our heart, but what is not popular is the fact that among plethora of other health benefits, cinnamon can control blood sugar levels too. Cinnamon scales down the amount of glucose entering the blood after having meal. So including cinnamon in our daily food consumption will certainly help in losing the weight. 

Recipe for Cinnamon Tea –
Easy to make, this hot and healthy beverage require minimal ingredients. All you need is 1 tsp cinnamon powder, a cinnamon stick and filtered water. To make the tea, you need to boil water along with cinnamon powder and pour it in the tea mug with cinnamon stick placed in it. Leave it covered for around 10-15 minutes and here is sipping hot cup laden with weight loss properties ready.

Shift to Green Tea & Ginger-
Caffeine, catechins and theanine – these three elements in the green tree will help you in losing your weight.  It will strengthen the metabolism of your body. The anti- oxidant flavonoids will charge up your energy level and can minimize the amount of lipids absorbed through intestinal track. And who doesn’t know the wonder benefits of ginger? Best for digestive system, the combination of green tea and ginger will boost your mission weight loss.

Recipe for Gingery Green tea –
You can either choose dried and powdered ginger or dried ginger roots for this tea. Add the ½ tsp of any of them together with a tsp of your favorite green tea and pour some boiling water. Cover the mug for 5 minutes and your gingery green tea is ready to revitalize your body (you can add honey for sweet punch).

All the way with Asparagus
Fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits and yoghurt are always the favorite and most advised healthy diet plans. You can take herbal weight loss supplements along with these meals. But we have a magical potion that will supplement your overall health status. Rich in fiber, nutrients, and asparagus metabolizes the level of glucose in the blood. You can add them in your fruit salad, or blanch them and add them as side to your meals. All you have to do is place them in a hot pan with slight water and steam for 3 minutes. You can check in between if it is tender enough according to your taste. 

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Colon Healthy Cleanser: The Best Herbal Colon Cleanser

We are living longer but not healthier, despite our so called health conscious lifestyle. Yes, this is the bitter truth. We are relying too much on internet searches and TV reports for our daily dose of health information. Any given morning you can hear a TV doctor explaining the daily research on fast food or coffee and elaborating the evidence ‘badly’. Living a healthier life means understanding your body’s mechanism but in our tech savvy world, we have restricted it to google searches.

We clean our outsides, we brush our teeth and bathe, but what do we do to clean our insides?    
One of the websites says colon cleansing is a load of ‘you know what’ and that’s true. So taking our internet search ahead, let’s try to understand what Colon Cleansing is and the ‘safest’ methods to follow. 
Our body has its own filters to flush out ‘toxins’. Colon cleansing can be simply defined as the process of removing excess of toxins that have accumulated over time from what we eat, breathe and drink. The waste build-up in colon produces toxins that enter the blood stream and may lead to various health issues like bloating, weight gain and fatigue. 
The colon or the large intestine is a part of our digestive system that helps in removal of waste from the body. The proper functioning of the large intestine is very essential so that the waste and toxins are removed effectively and efficiently. 
Methods of Colon Cleansing:-
First method is called Colon Hydrotherapy, in which the doctor cleanses the colon by sending gallons of water into the body through a tube inserted into a person’s rectum (Rectum is the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus). This procedure can cost you more than hundred dollars per session. Medical researchers have stated that colon hydrotherapy is likely a dangerous practice particularly if you have a history of gastrointestinal disease.  

Our body is well equipped with built-in mechanisms to eliminate harmful substances. The best way to clean the colon involves taking bowel-clearing supplements or drinking herbal tea. Quality Nature’s Colon Healthy Cleanser is an herbal supplement that best suits the body system. 
Why Colon Healthy Cleanser? 
The best herbal colon cleanser, ‘Colon Healthy Cleanser’ helps prevent accumulation of food in the digestive tract by removing waste and toxins from it. This herbal supplement by Quality Nature is a natural detoxifying blend of 9 herbs, fiber and nutrients that work together to support body’s normal cleansing process. These herbs are very effective in the internal detoxification. For more information on the product you can visit -

100% natural herbal blend of detoxifying herbs, fibers, and nutrients makes Colon Healthy Cleanser the best herbal colon cleanser available in the market. Every serving capsule contains Alfalfa, Psyllium, Rhubarb, Gentian, Aloe Vera, Goldenseal, Buckthorn, Bentonite, and Lactobacillus acidophilus among other herbs.  

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Are You Eating Or Over-Eating?

Well, psychologists say over-thinking is the key reason behind relationships falling apart. And so is over-eating behind health falling apart. Today, pizzas and chocolate shakes have replaced the ‘long-gone’ green veggies. The main purpose of gorging on food is to satiate our taste buds, rather than fulfilling our hunger. And that is why, we hardly eat today. Instead, we ‘over-eat’.

With the help of weight loss supplements like Garcinia Cambogia, it has become almost effortless to suppress your excessive appetite. You can conveniently buy pure Garcinia Cambogia online.

Factors triggering over-eating

  • The level of stress

Have you ever wondered why feeling stressed about something automatically leads you to the kitchen or the fridge. Stress leads to the production of a specific hormone called cortisol. This hormone tends to make you crave for salty, sweet, and high-fat foods. This fatty-food get stored as calories in your body. This is because the body assumes that you are in some danger and preserves energy for use in dire situations. Therefore, the food that you eat, owing to stress, shoots straight to add to your belly fat.

  • Boredom and Dullness

Well, half of the time you eat even when you are not hungry! You might be eating because you have nothing better to do! Therefore, spending time on weekend at home often results in gorging on fatty foods uselessly. A feeling of dissatisfaction with life or dullness can also make you hunt through the fridge without much hunger.

  • Sleeplessness

Being unable to sleep can cause your body to reduce the production of ‘leptin’ and increase the production of ‘ghrelin’ by disturbing your blood sugar levels. Leptin is a hormone that controls our appetite; whereas, ghrelin stimulates our appetite. Moreover, people who are exhausted due to sleeplessness prefer choosing sugars and carbohydrate foods for a quick energy-boost.

  • Negative Emotions

Negative emotions such as anger, grief, fear, sadness, or guilt may turn you towards carbohydrate-rich foods for comfort. The carbohydrate-rich food triggers the production of serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter leading to the feelings of happiness and well-being.

  • Having a company

We tend to use food to enjoy, celebrate and feel united to each other. Having your friends around definitely means binge-eating.

With so many reasons for piling on the calories, do you think you can adhere to a fitness regime? Do you even have time to run a mile or two? Well, this is where weight loss supplements, such as Garcinia Cambogia, come into play. Its rind extract contains an active ingredient, hydroxycitric acid or HCA. HCA is known for suppressing appetite and reduce the possibility of excessive weight gain. The benefits of HCA are harnessed by the health industry in the form of pure healthGarcinia Cambogia supplements. To buy Garcinia Cambogia online, make sure that the health supplement must contain at least 60% HCA.

When you have innumerable grounds to binge-eat, certain natural health supplements, like Garcinia Cambogia, act as savior, rescuing you from the brownies and the ice cream lying in your refrigerator. 

Thursday 30 July 2015

Watch Your Weight With Forskolin

Looking for an effective weight loss supplement to complement your dieting schedule? Does the weight-loss product you are planning to buy take care of your entire health as well? Unable to decide what to buy and why? Well, Forskolin extract can give you enough reasons to try it out.

Forskolin extract is a chemical found in the roots of the plant Coleus Forskholli (Plectranthus Barbatus) which is used to treat high blood pressure and heart disorders. Coleus forskohlii relates back to the family of mints. Commonly found in Thailand, India and Burma, forskolin shares its roots with Indian Ayurveda pertaining to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory characteristics.

According to the renowned Doctor Oz, Coleus forskohlii is “a miracle flower”. The famous Dr. on TV remarks that the plant extract works like “a furnace inside the body”. The kind of “furnace” that burns fat. But how does that happen?

The Science behind it
Forskolin is known for stimulating those hormones which further activate the fat burning mechanisms within the body. This potent extract activates adenylate cyclase, which leads to subsequent increase in cyclic adenosine mono-phosphates (cAMP) in cells. cAMP is an enzyme related to multiple beneficial cellular functions. It belongs to a class of substances known as “second messengers” and is one of the important cell-regulating compounds. Forskolin increases cAMP levels in the body, resulting in several beneficial effects.

The increased cyclic AMP leads to a wide range of biochemical and physiological effects such as:
·        increased lipolysis (burning of fat cells)
·        improved strength of contraction of heart muscles
·        relaxation of arteries and other muscles
·        reduced release of histamine (leading to lesser allergy symptoms)
·        better thyroid functioning

As recommended by the famous Dr. on TV, Coleus forskohlii works by keeping up a healthy flow of fatty acids which is the key to a sound health. It is advisable to combine this health supplement with a fresh bowl of fruits and a regular work-out to bring out the best results.